I never really thought that I was worthy of a story, because I never suffered the way people close to me have. But everybody’s struggles are different and no matter how big or how small, they are all real. Truthfully my struggles were most of the time completely self-inflicted. I put myself in harms way and then asked the universe why I was suffering so much. I was stuck in an extremely unhealthy relationship that led to countless days of drug and alcohol abuse. I couldn’t watch myself wither away anymore. I put myself before others and was miserable. But out of the darkness, I found my true purpose. To spread positivity and let everyone know it’s okay to be weird as hell. It’s okay to wear what you want. It’s okay to not know what your future holds. My purpose is to spread love in this world and be the voice for people who can’t speak for themselves. Change starts with you, eve if it’s something small. Start complimenting people, tell a friend they look beautiful, slow down and offer someone a hand. Life is so beautiful and I’ll never take advantage of that again.
Can we first talk about how grown teenagers look these days? It is more than the clothes they are wearing, the hairstyles and makeup application though. I mean I still wish I could apply makeup half as good as some of the people out there. But it is the way these teenagers carry themselves in general that adds to their mature looks. As a toddler parent forever dreading those teenage years, it gives me so much hope knowing those parents were and still are in my shoes with the fear and worry for their children. Parents y’all are doing something right though! Lots of things right to be correct actually, it really is a beautiful thing to witness from behind my camera.
Christa, my dear, it will forever be hard to wrap my head around what a beautiful young lady you have become simply because I still feel like me and your momma are still the age you are now. Brandie was and still is so blessed by your presence and as are you with getting her as your momma. Brandie, Christa is truly such an amazing soul and is just proof you are doing so much right. Thank you for trusting me with photographing her! Thank you for being one of my dearest friends after all these years and showing me the ropes of this mom life stuff.
I am California dreaming most every day and while I may not be alone in these daydreams, thankfully I get to soak in photographs from different cities there. On top of that I got to capture memories for friends in some of the pretty places in Southern California that they can now soak in anytime they may miss that California sunshine. The Ciani’s will forever be more than just friends to me. Jennifer was one of my very first friends I made when I moved back to California in 2008. We bonded on a love of Oklahoma, surprisingly, as well as a love of designing and creating. This girl just looks at a blank space but sees the magic that it can be. It really is a beautiful talent of hers. Jennifer has had a bumpy ride in life, like most I’m sure, and she has created a company for all those like her. My Missing Piece is where you can find keepsakes to hold your loved ones who no longer with you, close by.
Can you just look at these beautiful little faces for a minute. Derrick and Jennifer are sure lucky to be able to see their sweet smiles daily. These ladies have always been such good little models for me too, for her though well that is a different story. I would photograph them every day if they were near by. But alas life has us miles and miles apart. Jennifer thank you for loving me through all that life has thrown at me, and thank you for being such a bright light in this world. You are beautiful inside and out and I don’t tell you often enough how lucky I feel to have you as a friend!
If I could photograph high school seniors every single day, I would! I just love the excitement they have for their futures and sure some have uncertainty mixed in with it, I definitely did because I did not want to grow up. High school seniors have all sorts of emotions going on and rightfully so with everything on their plates, but excitement almost always shines the brightest! Just something so beautiful to witness, a head full of emotions but pure joy from excitement is what just oozes out. Seriously such a honor ever time I get to witness it.
Bobbi here is just something else. I loved that she got to ride shot gun with me to tell me all about herself as we drove around Lawton. She is working full time, going to school virtually full time, living on her own and KILLING it! The more she told me, the more I said wow and left my mouth hanging open I am sure. I still wonder if I am as grown as her ;). Bobbi your drive is a beautiful thing and I know I only got to see a hint of it, so I know it is even greater than what I witnessed. You are going to do great things girl and I can not wait to watch it all unfold! Thanks for being game to drive around Lawton and climbing around Mount Scott with me!
Do you have a soon to be high school senior in your home or are you a high school senior your self? Message me please to set up a session! It would give me no greater joy to hear your hopes and dreams for your future and to capture this scary exciting moment in your life!
You can tell when two people in front of your camera love each other, it is like you and your camera disappear. you ask them to pose or move a certain way, and then they just create magic together. Their love for one another easily shines right in front of you and there is just no denying when two people are truly in love. Madi and Damar were no exception. High school sweethearts married young and now traveling the world together thanks to the army. I knew after hearing so much about their relationship while at work with Madi, that I would have to get them in front of my camera sooner rather than later, seeing how the army shipped them off and out of Lawton.
I mean besides knowing the couple was super in love, having them be easy on the eyes was a bonus. Am I right? Madi I can hear your laugh through this top picture and it makes me miss you more! You made work so much brighter and I am forever thankful for that time we got together. I’ll never forget showing up to work in matching outfits on accident, but of course it was bound to happen great minds think alike right? I always took it as a compliment any time someone thought I was you. Damar I have to hand it to you, you did good getting a catch like Madi. But I love the way you ensure you keep her. You are treating her right and she knows she’s lucky to have caught you too.
Thank you for being down for my crazy ideas and playing with smoke bombs with me! I think it is safe to say it was worth getting engulfed with smoke and blinded a bit, right? Getting focus on you two and not the smoke was a task but y’all slayed it for me! I CANNOT wait to see you two again and create magic at least one more time!
It all started one summer afternoon, it’s amazing how you can just remember every detail of one event. I still see the door, the keys I used to open it. I was three years old, spending the summer at my grandma’s house with my uncle. She was making dinner, I got bored and wanted to go outside. So I snuck out. I knew that my uncle was with his friends outside, they all where around seventeen years old. I don’t know what happened after that, I don’t know if I found him or what. All I know is that he found me, and saved my life by rolling me on the ground. He had burns on his hands from saving me. Someone, somehow set me on fire. The only person who knows what happened is my uncle, but he has PTSD from that incident, that he doesn’t remember what happened.
I have scars on my face and arms. I had a jacket and under shirt on that day, that saved me from having burns all over the rest of my body. I spent most of my childhood in the hospital, going from surgery to surgery. That made my childhood pretty lonely. Most of my friends during that time were patients too. So seeing people with burns, or missing limbs is normal to me. I don’t remember most of my surgeries, I do remember the doctors asking me what kind of story I wanted to dream about, and I always chose Cinderella. Once I went in for a kind of small surgery, alternation to my bottom lip. We didn’t have a car then, so my mom and I had to take the train back home, that was the first time when I noticed people looking at me. Well a small girl with blood and stitches on her face, I guess I would look as well. The last big surgery happened when I was 16, new technology came, laser technology . It was one of the worst experiences I had. I couldn’t go in the sun for a month, keeping my scars wet with a special cream which I had to wash off every evening with salty water, so imagine putting salt into open wounds on half of your face, every day for a month.
I have to say that most of my experiences where good, but once I went to a different plastic surgeon, and when I asked what else can we do, she asked me what more do I want, that I look good already. I can say that I got lucky that I was a little child, I don’t know how not to have scars now. A life without scars is unknown to me. One day one of my school friends asked me “how are you doing it, just walk on the street, I would cover myself up ” and I asked her if I should start to wear a ski mask? So with scars on the face, you can’t do anything, there is no way to cover them up.
Of course I have some trouble still, people looking at me all the time. When I was teenager I never had a boyfriend, who would want to have a girl with scars all over. And later in life I had some boyfriends, but basically all the men in my life just used me. I was just happy that someone wanted me, I let them abuse me happily. And then I got married. And he beat me, psychically tortured me. I let him for five years, I was so scared to leave him. I was scared to be alone. Until one sunny summer day. I left him. Since then I’m working on knowing my own value knowing that I deserve to be loved.
You are never really prepared for traumatic events to happen in your life. So at 19 becoming an amputee was the last thing I thought would happen. I was a full time college student studying to be a nurse, working as a CNA at the hospital, and enjoying my new life of independence. I remember the day of my car accident so vividly, what I wore that day, how I spent the day and I have went back a million times wondering how I could have done it all differently.
I left my job at 11:00pm that night, decided to meet up with some friends and only 42 minutes after getting in the vehicle we hit a fence. I often hear people say that your brain blocks out traumatic events, however I remember every single second right after it. I didn’t realize I was hurt until I tried to get out and that’s when I realized my left leg was pinned. I looked over to see a pole going through the middle of the backseat and thinking to myself that had I been a few inches over it would have went through my chest. I’m not really sure how long I was pinned, just that I was in worse shape than I thought if it required them to cut me out of the vehicle. I still never imagined what it would eventually lead to though.
The first few days after the wreck were a blur. I do remember looking down and seeing that my left foot was purple and my toenails bright pink. Next clear image I have is of the doctor coming in and telling me and my family that their attempts to save my leg were unsuccessful and they would have to amputate. I sat there crying, screaming and begging them to just let me die. I look back and can’t imagine now as a mother hearing your child say this, it shatters my heart. The initial amputation took place on December 13th, 3 days after the accident. I then underwent 8 more surgeries in a month and a half due to complications with the threat of having to amputate above the knee if the last surgery didn’t solve the issues. Being able to keep your knee is huge for prosthetic fittings and quality of life. The physical pain was sometimes unbearable but the emotional pain of looking down and seeing only one foot is something I can’t put into words. There was something about seeing the sheet on the bed lay flat over where my leg should have been that stuck with me. Sure, the hospital tried to have people who had prosthetics come talk to me but I left with no way of knowing how to cope. The positive to being so stubborn was that I was back up and walking 6 weeks after my last surgery but the downside was that I never dealt mentally or emotionally with what had happened to me. I hated my first prosthetic, they couldn’t cosmetically cover it, so here I lost my leg and it was replaced was with a metal pole. It was months of physical therapy, learning how to walk all over again. I quickly started to go back to life just as I had before the accident. I was back in school and working again as a CNA but I was a mess! In my mind if I could go back to where I was prior then I wouldn’t have to cope with it, somehow it wasn’t real. So instead of coping I numbed the pain of it all. I was so angry, bitter, and just not very much fun to be around. I pushed people away as I was so angry that I was dealing with this and here everyone else didn’t have to. One of my biggest mistakes when I look back now is never seeking any counseling to help me learn to deal with it all. I continued for years to pretend things were okay. I spent years dreading summers, invites to the lake, never wearing shorts, and finding myself in terrible relationships after being told by someone that nobody would ever love me again. It’s hard for me to look back accept how I treated people and the choices I continued to make. I have to say that the 6 years after the accident were the hardest.
It will be 17 years since the accident this December and I am happy to say that life is so good. It’s more than good really, it’s something I don’t take for granted. I enjoy and find beauty in the little things of life and it’s only the little things that I miss the most, wearing flips flops, being able to just slide shoes on and off, the feeling of sand and grass on both feet, being able to sit comfortably Indian style and just being able to go get any type of shoes that I want. It has helped me become a person who understands that things truly can be worse. I celebrate 14 years this month of being a nurse, after so many telling me I would never be able to meet the physical demand of the profession. I purchased my own home in 2017, have a job as a Certified Sedation Registered Nurse and I have an amazing little girl, and engaged to the sweetest most caring man I’ve ever met. I have surrounded myself with people who make me want to be a better person. I have sought counseling over the years to help me cope, I have turned to my faith more for comfort and understanding, but most importantly I became a mommy. This 6 year old precious baby girl is what saved me and she doesn’t even realize it. I spent 10 years never wearing shorts out because I hated the stares of being different, 10 years of trying so hard to hide something that has ultimately made me such a better person. I made a decision when I had Ellie that I wanted her to know it was okay to be different, it was okay to go out and have people stare but know that many aren’t being mean, just curious. To take it as an opportunity to help them understand. I promised myself that I would never let my insecurities affect her. She doesn’t even realize it but she is the reason I am now comfortable in my own skin, even if part of it is man made. To her, having a mommy with a leg that has to be put on and looks slightly different is normal. So normal that she likes to take limbs off her babies, which makes me laugh. It’s honestly the sweetest thing when she tries to hand it to me because she is getting impatient with me getting out of bed. I will spend the rest of my life with hurdles of having blisters, needing crutches at times, and just having to sometimes adjust to certain situations and while those times can get me easily frustrated I always try to remind myself to be thankful for all the good things.
People often say to me “I don’t know how you did it” and I used to reply with “I just did what anyone else would do in this situation” but I now know that’s not true. I have always been someone who when I want something, I go for it. I didn’t get to this place alone, I would have never have gotten this far without my mom, dad, sister, and brother in law. They never left my side from the first of many days in the hospital, celebrating my first steps again, to cheering me on through every step. They have been instrumental in helping me get to where I am today and I will forever be grateful. I have an amazing team at Scott Sabolich that know my life is busy and they always get me fitted with prosthetics that allow me to continue doing what I love. This journey hasn’t been without many tears and frustrations but it’s been a journey that I have become so thankful for. Everyone copes and deals with traumatic events in their life differently and I’ve learned that no way is wrong, because without those dark times I would never be able to fully appreciate the great and small things in life. I’m thankful it was my left leg so I didn’t have to learn to drive again, that I can walk into a store and carry things out without being on crutches, overall that I have a pretty normal life with just minor adjustments to get my days started. The only regret is that I didn’t get this tattoo on my left leg instead of my right, hate this tattoo. I try to imagine what life would be like had I not gotten in the car that night and I can’t imagine it would be as good as it is now, so when I saw an opportunity to share my story and put it out for all to see I knew I had to do it or I never would. It has been on my bucket list to have my story and photos shared, to finally show all of me. I guess I felt like by doing so it was the final step in my healing. I have hope my story can reach out and help someone who is an amputee see that life after an amputation is still worth living, that it does get better. I want to say thank you to all who have helped me along the way, kept me laughing about it, sat and cried with me, and just stood by me through it all. Not one of you have ever gone unnoticed and know that I am eternally grateful for you.
June 3rd 1991 I became a big sister. My mom’s favorite story to tell is when I would rock him to sleep and sing a lullaby I had made up just for him about how I was going to beat him up. Who even knows why, kids are mean. Don’t get me wrong, I didn’t lie to the poor kid. But I also would of done anything for him, had he asked. That is the problem with us prideful humans, we don’t want to burden others and so we don’t ask for help. I think as a suicide loss survivor, I do ask for help now if I am at the end of my rope. I know the pain all to well to pass it on to someone else. I will never condone suicide, but I also get it. I get being tired of fighting, of faking a smile, and just tired of waking up. I think anyone fighting alone everyday, you need to know someone wants to help you. When you are in that dark of a place those words are meaningless, and the list of who would help you is empty in your head.
1-800-273-8255 someone at the other end of that phone number wants to help you though.
Billy you were a wild one, probably from the moment you were born. From tearing up your knee because you thought you should learn to skateboard on a gravel road, to riding your bike down a slide. Selling your art in elementary for ice cream money was one of your more genius ideas. Letting mom shave BMX into your heard because you signed all those art prints as Billy Bob BMX is one of my favorite memories. You literally were down for anything, thrill seeker is a mild term for you. Growing up without you around would of been quite boring so I am thankful to laugh at the many memories I have of you. You had stories for days but I would have loved to hear all those thoughts and feelings you hid away. Painful lesson I still haven’t learned. Dig into people’s hearts, dig into their heads. If someone says, “I am just a bad communicator” help them become better. That sentence came from a friend I lost to suicide a couple years ago, and still hunts me. Why didn’t I see his pain, I have lost one loved one to suicide I should be able to spot it better. But that sentence is a joke. The ones that are at the end of their ropes are pros at hiding it. Seven years now and I am still working on admitting that. Still working on begging you to ask for help, to admit you need help, to reach out so someone can hold you. Because no matter if you can not think of a single person who would, I’d do any of those things for you. Yes you, even if I don’t know your name. If I can save your life and prevent your family the pain I know all to well, I’d do it in a heartbeat – hit that contact tab. Or call, 1-800-273-8255.
Suicide is the 10th leading cause of death in the US In 2018, 48,344 Americans died by suicide In 2018, there were an estimated 1.4M suicide attempts The rate of suicide is highest in middle-aged white men. In 2018, men died by suicide 3.56x more often than women. On average, there are 132 suicides per day. White males accounted for 69.67% of suicide deaths in 2018.
You came to stay a month with me in Temecula, California and while most of that was kicked up on the couch with a tv on, those couch talks we had I cherish. You had just turned 18 so of course we had to get you inked, and what an honor it was to watch you not cringe one bit while getting your first tattoo. While your idea for your first tattoo was lost on many, I had to put part of it on my own body, your ashes included. Call me a copy cat, I don’t mind. It is what it is lol. I put your misfit skull next the first tattoo I got for you. In the Air Tonight lyrics, “Well the hurt doesn’t show, but the pain still grows.” Your friend Tanner gave me a list of your favorite songs, digging through each one was painful. But those lyrics describe every second of my days. Probably not so much those first few years without you, because the pain I admit I couldn’t hide. Too weak to hide it, maybe. But with each passing day, while I love to say your name and remind anyone willing to listen about you, I too am becoming a pro at hiding the pain. I never believed the line, “Time heals everything.” People DO NOT tell this to someone who just recently lost a loved one. It is a LIE, for the most part. No way could I believe anything could heal a heart as broken as mine was March 3rd 2013. I think we just get used to living with a broken heart, I think we find ways to love with such a broken vessel in our body. Who knows I am just guessing because I am still learning. Sure with time things get easier, but telling people over used lines like the one above is little hurtful. If you can’t get creative with your words of comfort just hug them.
William Robert Scott what I wouldn’t do to be able to see you be a father to the girls you left behind. What I wouldn’t give to see you with the little boy carrying on part of your name. I think I need to vow to myself to go out of my comfort zone more with Rhett. To jump off higher things with him, to teach him to skateboard but maybe on a paved road, who knows maybe I should let him ride a bicycle down a slide just for you little brother. You aren’t here to help this kid do all the things I’d rather him not, so maybe that is more reason to let him myself. If Rhett William is half the dude you were William Robert what a kid I’d have. Happy 29th baby brother! Keep reminding me you are watching and to let go of these reigns a little bit.